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Case Results

Case Results

We invite you to browse some of our recent case results to learn more about our past successes and how we have helped people in situations similar to yours.

  • $11 Million Burn Injuries

    Natural Gas Explosion | Burn Injuries Attorney Fees & Expenses: $5,500,000.00

  • $3.5 Million Confidential Settlement Car Accident

    Our client sustained life-threatening injuries when his car collided with a 70-ton US Army tank that crossed a dark rural road without lights or warning. Trapped in the wreckage, he required helicopter transport and emergency surgeries, facing a long recovery. Despite the Army’s immediate transfer of witnesses worldwide, we fought persistently with the JAG to locate them, hold the responsible parties accountable, and secure justice for our client.

    The net recovery to our client totaled $3,500,000

  • $1.5 Million Explosion Injury

    Central Texas limestone mine when the fuel tank he was working on exploded, engulfing his body in flames and throwing him twenty feet to the ground. Richard injured his back and suffered severe burns to his legs and arms. While he was still in the hospital, his wife called on us to help. We immediately started recording witness statements, taking photographs, retaining the necessary experts, and opening dialogue with the medical providers.

    Our investigation revealed that the explosion happened because an employee of the mine arced a welding rod near the fuel tank, which had not been cleaned and flushed as required before commencing the work. The mine company claimed that they had not done anything wrong and refused to pay. After eighteen months of litigation over contested liability, involving depositions, expert reports, and two mediations, the case settled before trial for $1,550,000. Of that amount, attorney’s fees were $620,000, and case expenses, including expert fees, totaled $27,000.

    The net recovery to our client totaled $902,423.

  • $1.5 Million Car Accident

    George stopped at the stop sign. He looked both ways and was about to proceed into the intersection when he was suddenly and violently rear-ended by a bus traveling at 55 miles per hour. The impact catapulted George’s body upwards, slamming his head into the roof of his car. His injuries included herniated disks, broken teeth, a displaced jaw and a closed head injury.

    George had to undergo two neck surgeries, tooth implants, and pain management. He lost most of his sense of smell and taste and his mouth became very sensitive to cold liquids. George and his wife were having difficulty managing all the medical appointments and dealing with the bus driver’s insurance company. They decided to call the Law Office of Vic Feazell for help.

    It took two years of litigation, including depositions and expert testimony, before the insurance company was finally forced into paying George’s claim. During that time, our firm negotiated with medical service providers to ensure that George got the medical treatment he needed and that payment of the bills was delayed until after settlement. The case settled for $1,500,000. Attorney’s fees were $499,500, and reimbursable expenses totaled $8,627. Net recovery to our client totaled $991,873.

  • $1 Million Wrongful Death

    Attorney fees: $400,000.00 | Expenses: None

  • $750 Thousand Drunk Driver Car Wreck
    In the early hours of December 16th, 2022 a young woman was driving home when she was struck head on by a drunk driver. She sustained a broken femur and wrist of which required surgical repair. In the end our client recovered $446,852.70 to compensate her for her physical and emotional damages. Attorney’s fees were $250K and reimbursable expenses totaled $293.94.
  • Wrongful Death in the Workplace

    This was a wrongful death case where our client was a minor child whose immigrant father died from a work place injury when he was pinned and crushed between a forklift and a large concrete beam.

  • $400 Thousand Funeral Home Negligence Case

    When our clients' father passed away, they entrusted a funeral home with embalming services. However, after deciding to switch funeral homes, they were shocked to learn from the new funeral home's director that their father's body had decomposed due to improper storage by the original funeral home. We filed a lawsuit for negligence, and within just four months, the case was settled for $400,000. After attorney's fees of $133,333.33, the family received $266,666.67 in recovery.

  • $357 Thousand 18 Wheeler Truck Wreck Injuries

    Maurissa was driving with her husband and their 8 month old baby on IH35 in Bell County, when they noticed an accident ahead of them. Being the first to witness the accident, they pulled over and Maurissa ran towards it to see if anyone was hurt. As she approached, an 18 wheeler truck driver not aware enough to notice the accident, slammed into the wrecked car. The 18 wheeler truck smashed through the wrecked car forcing it and the wrecked car onto Maurissa. This collision violently threw her through the air and onto her car. Maurissa sustained serious and life threatening injuries as a result of the negligent conduct of truck driver.

    After 7 months of negotiations with the insurance company, Maurissa’s case settled in her favor for $357,500.00. Attorney’s fees were $134,500.00, and reimbursable expenses totaled $436.96. Medical expenses totaled $55,030.18. The net recovery to our client was $152,532.86.

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