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The Mental Impact of Being in a Car Accident

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It's well known that motor vehicle accidents can cause severe physical damage to those involved. From minor cuts and bruises to catastrophic injuries and even death, there is a myriad of ways one can be injured. However, what's less commonly discussed is how these collisions impact mental health. Acknowledging both psychological and physical injuries is essential for ensuring that individuals receive the proper treatment following a crash — and ensuring you receive the compensation you deserve when pursuing a claim.

What Mental Health Conditions Can Arise Following a Crash?

Car crashes may result in various mental health conditions, including Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), depression, and anxiety.


PTSD is perhaps the most common condition suffered by those involved in a crash. According to the American Psychological Association, car crashes are the leading cause of PTSD in the United States. Common symptoms of this disorder include nightmares and flashbacks to the event, difficulty concentrating or making decisions, startled reactions, feelings of guilt and isolation, and difficulty sleeping.


Depression is another common mental health condition that may arise from an accident. Symptoms associated with this condition range from fatigue to feelings of worthlessness or hopelessness, making it more difficult to even get out of bed. It's important to note that while everyone reacts differently to traumatic events, it is not uncommon for those involved in a crash to experience depression.


Finally, anxiety is another condition that may arise after an accident. Symptoms such as troubled sleep, intrusive thoughts or flashbacks about the event, feelings of panic or fear, and difficulty concentrating are common in individuals who have experienced a crash-related injury. This can make it more challenging to be in a car, let alone drive one.

What Can You Do To Address These Mental Health Conditions?

If you have been involved in a car accident that led to physical and/or mental trauma, it is vital to seek professional help. Connecting with a therapist or psychologist can provide invaluable treatment, support, and guidance during this difficult time. Additionally, you must remember that you are not alone; resources such as support groups and online communities can be excellent sources of comfort and understanding.

Finally, if another party’s negligence caused the accident, it is important to take legal action. Pursuing a claim can provide much-needed compensation for the physical and mental toll of the crash. An experienced attorney can help guide you through this process and ensure you receive the justice you deserve.

Law Offices Of Vic Feazell, P.C. wants you to focus on your recovery and leave the legal battle to us. We have experience taking on insurance providers and can help you pursue compensation for your pain and suffering. Schedule a free consultation today by calling (254) 938-6885.
